Category Archives: songs i’m involved with

A Really Boring Post!

The title should’ve tipped you off that you could skip this one, but i wanted to give you all an update on my various ventures. It’s probably as much for me as it is for you seeing as how scatterbrained … Continue reading

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Another Year of Touring Comes to a Close.

Under the best of circumstances, touring is a bizarre way to live. When you take away all the glamour, money, bus driver, catering, and places to stay, it’s straight up insanity.   And yet, its what I’ve done for the … Continue reading

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interview translation for FAITHNOMORE4EVER

  Recently I was interviewed about my role in Chuck Mosley’s acoustic Reintroduce Yourself tour by Here is the original link to the interview And here is an english translation of that talk: For the last several years the … Continue reading

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i blame brian!

so, this is brian paone’s fault, ok? he posted about how many indoria songs he had in his iTunes library and i was shocked he had over 30. i tried to even remember if we had recorded 30 songs and … Continue reading

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that time i recorded with one of my idols

i’ve known chuck mosley for 15 years and over the last ten we have spent a lot of time on the phone, on the road, and damn have we texted a lot, but besides an old band of mine opening … Continue reading

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