Category Archives: my writing

In The Watershed – “coming soon”

Ages and ages ago, I wrote a mystery/thriller book based on the stories I grew up reading from Agatha Christie, Les Roberts, and Dan Simmons mixed with more modern bits. The book was ‘finished’ around 2014… At the same time … Continue reading

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2023..acting, singing, and (maybe) writing)

Gosh, I didn’t intend for this Blog to become a once a year look back/glance forward, but here we are again… 2022 was a mixed bag…I started out eating good and exercising until covid hit the household in February and … Continue reading

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Growing, not only in weight

So, part of the creative journey is to learn and explore and push and grow. Onward and upward, right? Sometimes that means glancing back and understanding that growth. It’s not the funnest aspect of the process, but can prove quite … Continue reading

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A Knight of Cups…a review?

For some unknown reason I popped awake at 6 a.m. on a saturday. Perhaps it was the late-night onion rings. Thanks mom. I am not a morning person, hell, I’m barely a brunch person, but there I was staring at … Continue reading

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The Tent In North Ridgeville

The first time I remember seeing the tent was during the summer of 2007. My wife, Michele, and I were newlyweds living in a duplex in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. We worked our tails off, but week-to-week we were just managing … Continue reading

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