
yes you guessed it! this page will be used as my online musical practice space…imagine a tiny dark garage with temperatures hovering around 95 degrees. there are several rock band posters smearing the wall and perhaps a calender with chicks in bikinis posing on motorcycles. the small fridge in the corner has 2 beers and an almost empty bottle of cheap whiskey(or by the smell of it gas for a motorcycle) huddled in the garage are five sweaty dudes with mullets each standing next to enough audio equipment to play the largest of arenas…this is not an accurate picture of me and my music, but it was fun wasn’t it?

please feel free to listen, download, and share this music anywhere and everywhere. we are happy people want to listen. if you have a few seconds please leave comments/reviews on itunes or amazon so other people get a better idea of what this music is all about. and of course, leave your comments here as well!

here are free songs from indoria (pop/rock stuff) : my wife sings with me in this band and she is awesome…adam probert and i started this project in 1998, but i consider the songs below as our first real release, which didn’t happen until 2009. the band sounds different on each release (our 4th disc is coming out in August of 2016) as we grow and our line up evolves. to stream our last disc (2014’s there’s a gleam) check out 

1. up or down by indoria (ten years in one night)

2. i know by indoria (ten years in one night)

3. brand new day by indoria (ten years in one night)

4. legendary by indoria (ten years in one night)

5. good night by indoria (ten years in one night)

6. no wolf, no part by indoria (ten years in one night)

8. diver down by indoria (ten years in one night)

9. piece by piece by indoria (ten years in one night)

10. ten years in one night by indoria (ten years in one night)

11. on the road by indoria (ten years in one night)

indoria: Ten Years In One Night
Indoria: I Give, You Take

The Firmary is a rock band that I performed vocals in between 2002 and 2006. the band was driven by guitarist/keyboardist William Weaver. we recorded some demos, but as of yet haven’t released anything official (though there is a version of blink of an eye on a compilation out there somewhere) I’m hoping a polished collection of songs will someday be available. Until then, check these out:

blink of an eye-thefirmary

Love and a Microphone

A Short Story Long

Wine and Gold

Price to Pay

For lovers of hardcore try SKIPLINE I appear on some live tracks as a guest vocalist on their disc. Click on the cd cover to listen to samples/buy cd’s/buy mp3’s!

louie (live in 1998)

louie(live98) by skipline

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