Huge ya/na blogfest august and september!

As i meet knew folks in the writersphere I keep finding new and awesome stuff to get involved with and starting in august, another one of those cool things is starting.

For the second year in a row, Apryl Baker is throwing her MY CRAZY CORNER BLOGFEST from august 1st until september 30th. Each day another author will post a guest blog/article/interview and offer prizes like, in my case, signed copies of books, or tshirts, Skype sessions, gift cards etc.

My blog post will be published sept 19th along with another great author d. NICHOLE KING!

for more info: check the Facebook page for the event!

if you were to write a blogpost today, what would you write about? Today i feel like this photo sums up where my head is at:


By douglasesper

read the site it's all there!