a life of inches

OUT NOWA Life of Inches

a coming of age/newadult/sports fiction book via @limitlessbooks


October 3rd: The book has now been out for four months and the Ebook version is now just .99! The reviews on Amazon have been very positive. Read some here: REVIEWS

March 11th 2015: It’s official: I have signed on with Limitless Publishing to release my book. Much more great news to follow including the cover reveal date and book blog tour info.

dec 23 2014: the book is done (have i said that before?) i am going to let it sit until february 2015, give it a once over and then decide wether or not i want to send to agents/publishers or just self-publish. if anyone wants to take a gander, let me know @douglasesper

feb 5th: the latest draft has been sent away to a few guest readers and an editor, so we shall see what feedback we get!

i am working on a brief description for the book to help promote and use in my query letter. this is what i have so far. please send me feedback both good and bad :

In sports the true test of an athlete is not how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up. When it comes to the game of life Ryan, Woodie, and Molly put themselves to the test. A Life Of Inches, completed at 85,000 words, is a coming-of-age love story.

In 2012, Ryan and Woodie are managing baseball teams about to go head to head. Their dream job is on the line, and Ryan can’t help but think about the fateful day when he met Woodie. Through their common love of competition, Ryan and Woodie formed a strong bond as they played baseball in the minor leagues. The bond of friendship seemed unbreakable, that is, until they fell in love with the same woman.

When Ryan and Woodie metMolly, she seemed too good to be true. She was smart, beautiful, and above all else, she craved competition as much as they did. Molly quickly became the ultimate prize for the two friends to fight for.

As the years passed, Woodie’s luck catapulted him to fame,Ryan struggled with addiction, and Molly coped with a life-changing secret. For Ryan, Woodie, and Molly, tonight’s game means so much more than what is happening on the field. The longtime friends will have a chance at reconciliation, redemption, and Ryan will be meeting his son for the first time. Their existence is not a sprint or a marathon; it is A Life of Inches.

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