Charity Work

In an effort to be a better person and leave the world better than when I got here, I have been exploring various charities to get involved with. With both my time and resources limited, I would love to find one main charity that I can help with time and money, while also supporting others.

Recently, I’ve volunteered at/donated/spoken with: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation hosts several great events in my area including a walk at the Zoo and a lengthy bike ride along the train tracks. I am not handy at all so my wife and I volunteered at one of the Habitat resale shops. Now that we moved, I’m hoping to get back involved doing this on a regular basis This one was a real eye-opener for me. I pledged to work for 4 hours at the food bank, lifting/organizing/unpacking skids and all day the only question people had for me was what i did to earn community service. Are there no people volunteering anymore…or do we have enough plea bargains daily that volunteers are not needed? Does anyone know of a similar food bank in Lorain county? I felt really good about the work, but it’s now too far of a drive.

What other charities should I be getting to know? Want to volunteer with me?



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