Can’t turn back…the book is out.

After almost two years of writing, editing, rewriting, second-guessing, and third-guessing, my book, Reintroducing Chuck Mosley: Life On and Off the Road is out in the world. I can’t change it. I can’t sugarcoat it. I can’t take it back.

The book is available exclusively at until December 3rd.

book trailer by Jim Brown

Jim Brown put together this book trailer and some ads to help promote the book.

Not everyone will love the book, not everyone will approve of what we did or I did, or of some things that I say. They may be right. I wrote this book directly after Chuck’s death, so things were fresh and raw in my mind. There was a temptation to edit it, now that my mind is slightly clearer, but in the end I decided to put it out as-is with a few more recent updates.

I would appreciate your help in spreading the word on the book and I am available to answer any questions you might have, to expand on the stories, to clarify details, or to contact for review copies: douglas at Don’t hesitate to follow this blog or my twitter @douglasesper.

This isn’t the end all be all book about Chuck’s life, but it is about as close to what I could share via my point of view from my time with him. There are a lot of people to mention and thank, which I plan on doing as time goes by.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about Chuck’s music, memories, shows, or on the book in the comments.

Douglas Esper

By douglasesper

read the site it's all there!