Interview with author Carolyn Young

Today, I am featuring author Carolyn Young, whose story “Until Death,” is included in the anthology “A Bond of Words,” alongside my own brand-new story, “Rhythm of the Bug-ity Beat.”

What is the hardest part of writing for you? What is the easiest?
The hardest part for me is brainstorming a story I want to write. Once I get the idea for a story, I need to have a good feel for the characters before I can write it, but when I feel them, writing the story is the easy part.

Did your story play out as you planned it?
Not this time. I wrote four different versions of the ending and none of them worked. I realised I had to let go of how I wanted the story to end, and let it write itself. When I finished, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut and I knew it was the right ending for the story.

What story was your favorite in the book?
I have two very different favourites. I loved ‘Dear Paige’ by Rayona Lovely Wilson. It’s the first story I’ve read in a long time that had me crying like a baby at the end. I also loved Austin Sheehan’s story ‘Eternally Mine’. I loved the buildup of tension throughout the story and the ending blew me away.

If you could meet one author, living or dead, who you choose?
Sara Douglass. Sara was also an Australian author who I had the opportunity to get to know online before I became a writer. She was an amazing person and her blog post called ‘The Silence of the Dying’ was one of the most moving pieces I’ve ever read.

What are you working on now?
I’m currently preparing my first novel ‘The Broken’ for professional editing with the hope I’ll find an agent to represent it.

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