Category Archives: artists i like

Indoria Post Lyric Video For Ode From The Road

Just before the end of 2018, I started to research lyric videos and began learning a bit about imovies on my computer. Throughout january I searched my destroyed hardrive for video clips (damn, I lost so much good stuff) and … Continue reading

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Primus and Mastodon concert review

Like the post’s title suggests, I recently reviewed the Primus and Mastodon show I caught last week in Columbus, Ohio The review was published by DomainCleveland and can be found here. In other news, I have completed the first round … Continue reading

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Interview with Author Zack Halford

  Douglas Esper: How did you get your start in romance/erotica? Zack Halford: Is it too cheesy to say I didn’t choose the genre it chose me? I don’t know. I have story ideas just like any other author. Mine … Continue reading

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Interview with Marc Rizzo (Soulfly, Dead By Wednesday)

Yesterday I spoke with Marc Rizzo about his upcoming solo tour as well as his work with Soulfly, The Return To Roots tour, and Dead By Wednsday: Douglas: Marc, We did some dates together last summer when you went on the road … Continue reading

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dalek, candiria, and axioma 11-12-16 at now that’s class

History has proven that when you go see a band that hasn’t toured in several years there is often a good reason why. The risk you take in marring old cherished memories by experiencing new underwhelming ones can be daunting … Continue reading

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