so, by now you’ve seen that the anthology A MATTER OF WORDS has been released by SCOUTMEDIA and features 21 awesome short stories. Having, “My Wife’s favorite” out in the world feels great and i’m honored to have gotten included in this collection. wait, you didn’t know the ebook was already available on AMAZON? wait,… Continue reading A MATTER OF WORDS

Winner, winner kindle dinner!

Huge thanks to everyone who got involved in the contest. It was fun to see a steady stream of people mentioning A Life of Inches on Twitter. Prize: Kindle Fire HD + 20 e-books from Limitless Publishing Winner: Amanda Sakovitz! Prize(s): (3) Paperback Copies of A Life of Inches Winner 1: Brandi- DeFries-Swendt Winner 2:… Continue reading Winner, winner kindle dinner!

reviews/excerpts/spotlights/playlists for a life of inches

wow, with just 2 weeks under our belts, the feedback on A LIFE OF INCHES has been incredible. here are some of the sites that have taken time to read/review/spotlight/feature A LIFE OF INCHES. And yes, i am adding in sites that didn’t love the book. I know it is not for everyone and it… Continue reading reviews/excerpts/spotlights/playlists for a life of inches