playlist experiment

As part of my blog tour, i was asked to compile a 13-14 song playlist to highlight the music i jammed while writing A Life of Inches. Now, i started that book in 2007 and finished editing in may of 2015, so there was a lot of music…a lot. I paired it down and while I know i forgot some key songs, i think this list is a good indicator of the stuff i had blasting. i added links to the songs on youtube so you can hear them for yourself. as a rule, i would say that any album these songs were from also got played so if you like the single song, i’d suggest giving the album a listen as well. some of you may look at this list and be dismayed by how little local/indie bands there are. part of that is many bands i wanted to include did not have their music on youtube, which was part of my assignment for the blog tour. As always, i’ll tell you to support local bands and tell you cleveland has wonderful music from trepanning trio, furnace street, alexis antes, robin stone, and tons more. i’d love to hear what you listen to while painting, writing, dancing, eating…sitting, so comment below or find me on twitter @douglasesper

Mogwai: friend of the night

Explosions In the Sky: welcome ghosts

Cloudkicker: sky guide

Indoria: what I feel (feat chuck mosley)

Russian Circles: Geneva

Crosses: The Epilogue

If These Trees Could Talk: they speak with knives

Tim Barry: Church of Level Track

Boards of Canada: dayvan cowboy

Portishead: The Rip

Emeralds: double helix

Infinite Number of Sounds: Artificial Light

Baroness: Twinkler

The swell season: falling slowly

hope you enjoy!


By douglasesper

read the site it's all there!