Interview with author Donise Sheppard

Today, I am featuring author Donise Sheppard, whose story “Catelynn’s Day” is included in the anthology “A Bond of Words,” alongside my own brand-new story, “Rhythm of the Bug-ity Beat”

1. Did you have a special bond with somebody that shaped who you are today?

Before she passed, I’d say my mom. She is the reason I love stories so much – the reason I began writing fiction. Also, I credit my ability to write well to Alan I’Anson, who has given me tons of feedback and advice and is always there to edit and make my stories better.

2. What are you working on now?

I am currently plotting a story for the upcoming anthology Phobia! by Pixie Forest Publishing. I also just started writing a horror novel.

3. If you could meet one author, living or dead, who you choose?

Definitely Alan I’Anson. His novel, Dead Petals, is my absolute favorite. I read it almost a year ago and I’m still not over it. I’d like to quiz him about his idea for the book and ask him why he likes to toy with reader’s emotions.

4. What personal bond inspired your story?

I actually wrote this story for my sister, Catelynn, who is beautiful beyond words. When she read it, she said “Aw. I want someone to love me that much.” So I’m pretty sure she wasn’t disappointed.

5. What is it that you want a reader to take away from it, be it one emotion or a thought or a memory?

To love completely with their whole heart. Don’t get wrapped up in the aggravation that comes with life. Look past the little things and see the big picture because those you love make the drama or stress so worth it.

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