Category Archives: this guy!

The Music Career That Wasn’t (Part Two)

After performing with Skipline in early 1998, I started considering singing more seriously than I had before. I anxiously awaited the weekly Scene magazine, which had band member wanted ads near the back of each issue. I found reasons not … Continue reading

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Indoria Post Lyric Video For Ode From The Road

Just before the end of 2018, I started to research lyric videos and began learning a bit about imovies on my computer. Throughout january I searched my destroyed hardrive for video clips (damn, I lost so much good stuff) and … Continue reading

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The Tent In North Ridgeville

The first time I remember seeing the tent was during the summer of 2007. My wife, Michele, and I were newlyweds living in a duplex in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. We worked our tails off, but week-to-week we were just managing … Continue reading

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A Really Boring Post!

The title should’ve tipped you off that you could skip this one, but i wanted to give you all an update on my various ventures. It’s probably as much for me as it is for you seeing as how scatterbrained … Continue reading

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Another Year of Touring Comes to a Close.

Under the best of circumstances, touring is a bizarre way to live. When you take away all the glamour, money, bus driver, catering, and places to stay, it’s straight up insanity.   And yet, its what I’ve done for the … Continue reading

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